Terms of Use


In these Terms of Use and on the Website, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings indicated below:

“API” means application programming interface;

“Bank of Ireland” means The Governor and Company of the Bank of Ireland;

“Bank of Ireland UK” means Bank of Ireland (UK) plc;

“Bank of Ireland Group” means Bank of Ireland Group PLC, Bank of Ireland UK, Bank of Ireland, and its subsidiaries and associates and any member of the Bank of Ireland Group shall be construed accordingly;

“Privacy Statement” means our statement of practice as regards the privacy and security of your personal information when accessing and/or using the Website and any of the features herein (as may be amended by us from time to time);

“Terms of Use” means the terms and conditions of use set out below (as may be amended by us from time to time);

“we” and “us” and “our” means Bank of Ireland UK, Bank of Ireland and such other members of the Bank of Ireland Group (as the case may be);

“Website” means the developer hub ‘sandbox’ website located at https://developer.bankofireland.com or such other URL as designated by us from time to time for this purpose;

“you” and “your” means any and all persons accessing or using the Website and/or availing of any information and/or documentation available on or via the Website;

Bank of Ireland UK is a trading name of Bank of Ireland (UK) plc. Registered in England and Wales (No. 7022885), 45 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7EH.

Bank of Ireland Group plc incorporated in Ireland with limited liability. Registered Office: 2 College Green, Dublin, D02 VR66. Registered Number: 593672

Bank of Ireland incorporated in Ireland with Limited Liability. Registered Office: 2 College Green, Dublin, D02 VR66. Registered Number: C-1

Acceptance of Terms

Access to this Website and the use of any information and/or documentation contained on it is subject at all times to these Terms of Use. You should read these Terms of Use carefully before proceeding further. By accessing this Website, you will be deemed to have accepted these Terms of Use. We reserve the right to amend the content of these Terms of Use from time to time without prior notification.

Accessing the Website

This Website is an information source only which is provided for the sole purpose of facilitating software developer access to API information and/or documentation to support your use of our APIs and sample API data so you can test your information technology and related applications during development. We currently provide the Open Banking Read/Write APIs in accordance with standards that have been developed by Open Banking Limited. For further information access www.openbanking.org.uk.

You must register to download sample test data for testing by submitting an application. We will then send you an activation link during the registration process and, once activated, you can use sample test data and carry out API testing. We have set certain restrictions for testing your API applications (i.e. 500 messages per hour, per application, per API) to allow access to other developers and we reserve the right to set further restrictions as required.

We make no representation, warranty or undertaking of any kind in relation to the information and/or documentation contained on this Website or the completeness or accuracy of any such information and/or documentation. We reserve the right to suspend or withdraw access to the Website without notice at any time and accept no responsibility for the Website not being available at all times.

We do not guarantee that this Website will be secure or free from bugs or viruses. You are responsible for configuring your information technology, computer programs and platform in order to access this Website. You should use your own virus protection software. You must not misuse this Website by knowingly introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material which is malicious or technologically harmful. You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to this Website at any time, the server on which this Website is stored or any server, computer or database connected to this Website. You must not attack this Website via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of service attack.

The Website, content contained on the Website or the functionality of the Website (including any API) may be changed by us from time to time at our sole discretion. If we make changes to the technical specification of an API, we will notify you of those changes in line with our legal and regulatory obligations (except for emergency situations when we may make the changes immediately without notification). We will not be liable to you for any changes we make to any API.

This Website may contain hypertext links to websites maintained by other members of the Bank of Ireland Group. You are reminded that different terms and conditions of use may apply to you as a user of such websites.

The information contained on this Website may not be copied, transmitted, amended or reproduced in any form whatsoever without our prior written consent. In addition, you are not permitted to create a link from another website to this Website without our prior written consent. All intellectual property rights associated with the Website and its contents are reserved to Bank of Ireland Group and its licensors. In particular, you agree that any feedback or comments you provide to us in relation to the Website including ideas or potential developments, can be used by us free of charge to improve our APIs or Website.

Subject to complying with the requirements set out in the Your Responsibilities section below, we will provide you with a non-exclusive, personal, non-transferable, non-assignable, non-sublicensable access and use of the Website.

Please note that we cannot guarantee the privacy or confidentiality of information relating to you that passes over the internet. In accessing this Website and in availing of any of the information and/or documentation available on or via this Website, you are deemed to accept that electronic mail messaging and internet communication may not be free from interference by third parties and may not remain confidential.

Your Responsibilities

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your login details. You must protect your login details from unauthorised use and keep them strictly confidential. If you have any reason to suspect that your login details have been compromised then you must inform us immediately. You must never allow another person to use your login details.

You agree that you will not modify, disrupt or damage the Website or any content on the Website. In addition you agree that you will not and will not attempt to reverse engineer or decrypt the Website or any content on the Website.

You agree that you will not present or make statements which implies a partnership, affiliation or endorsement with Bank of Ireland Group without our prior written consent.

You agree not to use the Website or act in any way that:

  • Violates any law or regulation;
  • Is not permitted by these Terms of Use
  • Is misleading, offensive or defamatory or otherwise negatively affects the reputation of Bank of Ireland Group.


No member of the Bank of Ireland Group (or any other person involved with the provision and maintenance of this Website) accepts any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information and/or documentation provided on or via this Website. Use of any such information and/or documentation is at your sole risk. No member of the Bank of Ireland Group accepts any liability for any loss or damage of any nature, including but not limited to loss of profits, goodwill, or any other type of financial or other pecuniary or direct or special indirect or consequential loss howsoever arising whether in negligence or for breach of contract or other duty as a result of:

(i) use of, or inability to use, this Website, including but not limited to any electronic mail messaging and internet communication that may arise from, in the course of or pursuant to such use; and/or
(ii) reliance on the information and/or documentation contained on this Website, whether (a) downloaded or not; (b) authorised or not.

Privacy Statement

We will use your personal data in the manner set out in the Privacy Statement. You can see a copy of the Privacy Statement by clicking here. However, in the event of a conflict between the Privacy Statement and these Terms of Use, these Terms of Use shall prevail.

Contact Us

Submit a query on our contact form.