Managing your security devices

You can use the Bank of Ireland app or 365 online to manage your security devices

  • Change device nickname - the name you gave it when you first registered the device. To see how click here
  • Block a device - temporarily prevent any log in to your online account using that device. To see how click here
  • Unblock a device - to allow you to log into your online account using that device. To see how click here
  • Remove Device - deregisters a device. To access your online account on a removed device you need to complete the registration process again. To see how click here

Change Nickname

  • You can use the Bank of Ireland app to change the nickname of the security device you are logged into
  • You can use the Bank of Ireland app to change the nickname of another security device without logging into each device

Block/Unblock/Remove Device

  • You can use the Bank of Ireland app to Block, Unblock, or Remove ANOTHER security device.
  • You are unable to Block, Unblock, or Remove the same device you are currently using to access your online account
  • If any device has been lost or stolen you should Block or Remove your device immediately online or by calling us here

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