Cash did not come out of ATM, what do I do?

In most cases you will not need to do anything and your account will not be debited. If your account is debited ATMs normally correct the mistake within a day and your account will be refunded within 2 days.

How will a refund appear?

A refund will appear on your account with a narrative of ‘ATM Adjustment’ or ‘Pass Adjustment’ within 2 days.

What if my account is not refunded?

In some cases you will not see a refund appear on your account if the original ATM transaction has disappeared from your account. Check your account for the original ATM debit, if this has disappeared you do not need to do anything more.

If the original ATM transaction still appears on your account we can help you complete an ATM Dispute if the completed ATM transaction was not refunded to your account. Please see below Republic of Ireland ATMs or International ATM as some steps and timeframes may differ

Republic of Ireland ATMs

Most ATMs within the Republic of Ireland will normally correct an error within 1-2 days of your transaction taking place. After this time you can raise an ATM Dispute.


    International ATMs

    ATMs abroad will normally correct an error within 1-2 days of your transaction taking place. After this time you can raise an International ATM Dispute.

    The refund process for some international ATMs takes longer than ATMs with the Republic of Ireland.

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