What documents do I need to present to the bank to apply for a mortgage as a first-time buyer?

Most lenders look for information about your income, employment, living costs and existing loan repayments to help them decide whether you can afford to repay a loan.

If you are a PAYE employee, you will typically need to provide:

  • Your last three months’ payslips
  • The last six months bank account statements (if your personal account is not with that bank).

If you are self-employed:

  • Your last two years’ certified/audited accounts
  • The last six months business bank account statements (if business account is not with that bank).

You may also be required to provide identification documents and confirmation of your address. This is usually a current valid passport or driving licence and recent utility bill.

You may need to provide your last years’ Employee Detail Summary from Revenue.ie if you are relying on variable income to support your mortgage application

If your application is approved in principle, the following are examples of documents that you will also be asked to provide:

  • PAYE applicants: a Certificate of Income (a standard form provided by the bank for completion by your employer).
  • Self-employed: your accountant’s or auditor’s written confirmation that your personal/business tax affairs (PAYE/ PRSI/VAT) are up to date, and your management figures for the current trading year.

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