Where to find your BIC & IBAN

Your BIC (Bank Identifier Code) and IBAN (International Bank Account Number) can be found by several means:

Republic of Ireland customers

  • 365 online - within accounts details on homepage and eStatements
  • Bank of Ireland App - on account details and eStatements
  • Paper statements
  • IBAN calculator

Northern Ireland and Great Britain customers

  • 365 online - eStatements only
  • Bank of Ireland App - eStatements only
  • Paper statements
  • IBAN calculator

IBAN calculator

Use our IBAN calculator to generate a Bank of Ireland IBAN number using:

  • Sort code of your branch
  • and

  • your account number

Accounts (ROI only)

  1. Log in to your account on the Bank of Ireland App.
  2. Tap 'Accounts' on the bottom menu.
  3. Select the account you wish to get the BIC and IBAN for.
  4. Tap 'BIC/IBAN' at the top of the screen.
    • Your BIC and IBAN will display in a pop-up window.
    • Tap 'Share' to send the details by text or 'X' to close the pop-up.


  1. Log in to your account on the Upgraded Bank of Ireland App.
  2. Tap 'Accounts' on the bottom menu.
  3. Select an account to enter the transaction screen.
  4. Tap 'Statements'.
  5. Select a statement to open or save to your device.

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Calculate your BIC/IBAN Number or find out where to find it on 365

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