What the steps for approving a purchase using a PSK will look like:

When an additional cardholder is making a payment that requires SCA, they will need to be in contact with you, the authorised user, at the time so that you can follow the steps below, using your PSK to approve the purchase. You will have 5 minutes from when the cardholder presses pay to approve it. Please take the necessary steps to ensure that it is really the additional cardholder for your business you are in contact with before sharing any codes with them. This is the only scenario where we will ask you to share codes with someone else.

When an additional cardholder goes to complete a purchase, they will see a payment authorisation screen similar to the below. This screen will give the additional cardholder a one-time code – 955637 in example below – which they must share with you, the authorised user.


You, the authorised user, must then turn on your PSK by pressing the green OK button. When prompted, enter your 4-digit PSK PIN. The screen will show ‘Select Opt’.


Then press 3. The screen will show the word ‘Challenge’.


Next, enter the one-time code that the additional cardholder has shared with you – 955637 - and press the green ‘OK’ button.


An 8-digit number will now show on the PSK screen. In the example below we have used the number 49781108. Share this with the additional cardholder, so that they can complete the payment.


Once the additional cardholder has this 8-digit code, they can continue with their payment by entering the code into the payment authorisation screen and pressing ‘Continue’ to complete the payment.


The customer will be brought back to the merchant screen which will confirm payment is completed.

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