Why have I been charged account fees twice on 31 December 2020?

You will have two charges on your personal current account on 31 December 2020. These fees cover two different fee charging periods and use a different pricing structure as below.

  1. New pricing structure – introduced 23 November 2020 You will see the monthly fee for maintaining the account of €6 being charged on your account for the first time on 31 December 2020. This covers the calendar month of December and it appears on your account as “FEE: MAINTAINING ACC”. For more information click here.
  2. Old Style pricing structure – replaced 23 November 2020 31 December 2020 is also the date that you will be charged the old-style quarterly transactions fees for the last time. These fees relate to the previous fee quarter, 24 August - 22 November 2020 and appear on your account as “Current Account Fees” or “Notified Fees”.

While both of these charges were applied on 31 December 2020, they cover two different fee charging periods. This is the only time you will be charged fees for two different periods on the same day.

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