Will every time I used a service be displayed on my Statement of Fees even if I wasn’t charged for it?

On 23rd of November 2020, we introduced a single monthly fee for maintaining the account of €6, eliminating 26 individual fees and charges for Personal Current Account customers.

As a result of this, certain service charges such as Unpaid Standing Orders, Unpaid Direct Debits, Referral items and the Chequebook Issuing Charge were removed although we still provide the service where you request it.

For the period of 23rd of November 2020 to 19th of February 2021, if you used one of the services that are displayed above, it will not be reflected in the column “the number of times a service was used”, however, if you used the service before or after this, it will be reflected on your Statement of Fees.

Any service that was used by you and which you were charged for will be reflected on your Statement of Fees.

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