Report Fraud

Contact us straight away if you are concerned

Please get in touch with us if you:

  • shared your online login, card or banking details in response to a suspicious call, text or email;
  • believe your card has been lost or stolen (top tip – if you think you might have just misplaced your card, you can temporarily freeze/unfreeze it via the app or 365 online);
  • notice suspicious activity or unauthorised transactions on your account;
  • need to report online or ATM fraud.

Emergency Contact Numbers

Available 24 hours 7 days a week

Republic of Ireland

Freephone: 1800 946 764 (personal and business)

Great Britain & Northern Ireland

Freephone: 0800 121 7790 (personal and business)

Everywhere outside Republic of Ireland, Great Britain & Northern Ireland

Not Freephone + 353 1 679 8993
Not Freephone + 353 56 775 7007 (Lost/Stolen cards or smart device)

Report a suspicious email or text

To report suspicious Bank of Ireland related emails or texts (both personal and business customers), send the suspicious email or text to or click here now