Group Policies
Group Health & Safety Policy
Group Health & Safety Policy 2024
This policy applies to all BOI Group employees based in all jurisdictions that the Group and its entities operate in, including all companies and subsidiaries wholly owned by the Group in these Jurisdictions, as well as temporary workers, contractors, visitors and all other third parties. Bank of Ireland recognises its responsibilities to comply with all relevant legislation, codes of practice and standards across all Jurisdictions and commits to complying, and where reasonably possible, exceeding these requirements. This ensures the health and safety of all employees, contractors or customers as far as is reasonably practicable.
This policy is aligned to Bank of Ireland’s Purpose and Values. Our Values – Customer First, Better Together, Take Ownership, and Be Decisive – represent who we are and who we want to be when we are at our best. They guide how we show up every day for each other and how we deliver on our Purpose to help Customers, Colleagues, Shareholders, and wider Society to Thrive. We want everyone in the organisation to understand how this policy connects with our Purpose and Values and to think about how it helps guide their behaviour and the work they do every day.
Whilst the overall responsibility for Health and Safety sits with the Group Chief Executive, it is recognised that everyone from Senior Executives, to those with no direct reports, have legal responsibilities under health and safety legislation. A Health and Safety Management system is in place to help ensure that all applicable responsibilities are met. It is the duty of Line Management to ensure that they implement in full, the relevant sections of the management system, which apply to their operations. Advice and guidance on same is provided by the Health and Safety Department as required and the Health & Safety Department complies with all requirements for Governance from any and all of its entities. Furthermore, employees are required to report any known hazards and cooperate with any health and safety request by their Line Manager, where the request is reasonable and lawful. The Management system itself consists of various procedures and risk assessments written by the Health and Safety Department in consultation with Senior Management which help ensure:
- Legal compliance across all Jurisdictions.
- Adequate resources are available and Competent persons are appointed to help implement this Policy.
- BOI Management has appropriate training and knowledge to meet their legal obligations.
- BOI Employees are given such information, training, instruction and supervision, as necessary, to enable the safe performance of work activities.
- All potential emergency situations are identified and robust plans put in place.
- All accidents and incidents are investigated and corrective actions implemented.
- Appropriate mechanisms are in place for control and monitoring Contractor activity.
- Health and safety is considered in the purchase and/or lease of buildings, furniture, fittings, plant, machinery and general work equipment.
- Safety is considered regarding the design, provision and maintenance of these places of work.
- All relevant Welfare facilities are available and in good order.
- All Governance arrangements with its entities are fulfilled.
We communicate the required safety standards and behaviours to all Employees in a clear and unambiguous manner. To ensure effectiveness and continual improvement, we routinely and robustly audit our safety management system per a set audit schedule. Business unit management are the primary risk owners, with responsibility for managing and mitigating health and safety risks, and for evidencing compliance with policy requirements including through operating and testing effective controls and procedures. The Group Health & Safety team have second line of defence risk oversight responsibility including risk management standards and policy, and independent review, challenge and monitoring, as well as supporting local management through provision of advice and support.
Group Internal Audit, as third line of defence, undertake independent review of risk and controls standards, guidelines, risk management systems and reporting, in order to provide assurance in relation to compliance with health and safety requirements.
I fully endorse this Health & Safety Policy and assure all BOI Group employees of the Group’s continued support in working to provide a safe and healthy environment.
Signed: Myles O'Grady
Date: 7 March 2024
Group Chief Executive Officer
Bank of Ireland -
Group Environmental Policy
Group Environmental Policy 2024
The facilitation of a clean environment and effective environmental protection is a fundamental aspect of good business practice. Bank of Ireland Group recognises that its business activities have an impact on the environment, both globally and locally. Therefore, it is our policy to minimise the impact of our operations on the environment.
The scope includes the management of environmental impacts of all administration buildings and retail branches within ROI, NI & GB.
We are actively engaged in pollution prevention measures through the ongoing identification, control and reduction of those significant environmental impacts associated with our activities.
These include:
- Consumption of utilities i.e. electricity/gas/oil
- Water consumption
- Paper consumption
- Waste management
- Supplier and subcontractor control
We are also committed to a process of continuous improvement of environmental performance through:
- Implementing this policy by setting objectives and targets and developing environmental programmes
- Measuring environmental performance on an ongoing basis and using this information to regularly review policy, objectives, targets and the allocation of resources
- Encouraging, guiding and supporting staff to act in accordance with this environmental policy
- Working with suppliers and sub-contractors to minimise their environmental impacts and to adhere to this policy when working with Bank of Ireland
- Auditing and monitoring operational environmental risks and reviewing practices where necessary
We are committed to complying with all relevant environmental legislation. The Group is also committed to supporting environmental initiatives in society, the economy and the business community.
This Bank of Ireland Environmental policy is reviewed annually as part of the senior management review of the ISO14001 Environmental Management System.
This policy is aligned to Bank of Ireland’s Purpose and Values. Our Values – Customer First, Better Together, Take Ownership, and Be Decisive – represent who we are and who we want to be when we are at our best. They guide how we show up every day for each other and how we deliver on our Purpose to help Customers, Colleagues, Shareholders, and wider Society to Thrive. We want everyone in the organisation to understand how this policy connects with our Purpose and Values and to think about how it helps guide their behaviour and the work they do every day.
This policy is available on the Bank of Ireland’s intranet site, and also on the Bank’s website
Signed: Myles O'Grady
Date: 7 March 2024
Group Chief Executive Officer
Bank of Ireland -
Group Energy Policy
Group Energy Policy 2024
This policy sets out Energy Programme of Bank of Ireland Group plc (the Group), based on industry best practice, and the requirements of legislation and building regulations, but cognisant of the operational needs of the organisation.
Bank of Ireland seeks to be a responsible energy manager, promoting energy efficiency throughout its operations, and reducing our use of energy resources. We also promote the importance of good energy management for the economic, social and environmental well-being of the Group’s customers, colleagues and communities.
Bank of Ireland as a nationally recognised market leader in financial services and a responsible property manager is committed to:
- Improving our energy performance via our commitment to maintaining a certified ISO50001 Energy Management Standard
- Decarbonising our own operations to make them Net Zero by 2030 and Science Based Targets now set and signed off.
- Reducing our energy costs
- Reducing our dependence on finite fossil fuels in all operational areas
Our process of continual improvement is achieved through our group wide ISO 50001 energy management system which enables,
- Setting objectives and targets and developing energy action plans
- Measuring energy use on an ongoing basis and using this information to regularly review policy, objectives, targets and the allocation of resources
- Compliance with the EU Energy Directive (EAS and ESOS)
- Educating and training contractors involved in building operations to ensure they deliver services in an energy efficient manner
- Raising awareness amongst employees on energy usage; encouraging, guiding and supporting staff to act in accordance with this energy policy
- Ensuring all major programmes including procurement of products, services or design activities undertaken within the Group consider the ongoing energy related costs – total cost of ownership – as part of the investment assessment criteria
The scope includes the energy management of all administration buildings and retail branches within ROI, NI & GB.
Bank of Ireland Group is a signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Banking.
Bank of Ireland recognises the importance of energy efficiency and is making available all the necessary information and appropriate resources to achieve the above objectives and targets.
In line with the Bank of Ireland Group Code of Conduct 2023, we will also “comply with the law, any applicable regulatory directives and all relevant codes of practice” with respect to energy management. This compliance will extend to all Group policies and commitments and any external commitments, such as our participation in Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland’s (SEAI) Large Industry Energy Network (LIEN).
This Bank of Ireland energy policy is reviewed annually as part of the senior management review of the ISO50001 Energy Management System.
This policy is aligned to Bank of Ireland’s Purpose and Values. Our Values – Customer First, Better Together, Take Ownership, and Be Decisive – represent who we are and who we want to be when we are at our best. They guide how we show up every day for each other and how we deliver on our Purpose to help Customers, Colleagues, Shareholders, and wider Society to Thrive. We want everyone in the organisation to understand how this policy connects with our Purpose and Values and to think about how it helps guide their behaviour and the work they do every day.
This policy is available on the Bank of Ireland’s intranet site, and also on the Bank’s website
I fully endorse this Energy Programme and will support employees in the delivery of the key objectives outlined in this policy
Signed: Myles O'Grady
Date: 7 March 2024
Group Chief Executive Officer
Bank of Ireland