How do I reduce my overdraft?

You can reduce a personal overdraft with us over the phone or in your branch. To reduce an overdraft your account balance must be above what you want your new overdraft limit to be.

Reductions of overdrafts are permanent. If you require an increase to your overdraft in the future you must apply for an increase to your overdraft facility online.

My account balance is above my intended reduced overdraft limit

Once your account is above your intended overdraft limit call us on:

Republic of Ireland

9am to 5pm Monday to Friday (including Bank holidays)

Closed Saturday and Sunday

Northern Ireland and Great Britain

9am to 5pm Monday to Friday (excludes bank holidays)

Closed Saturday, Sunday, and bank holidays

Please note that your account must remain above your reduced overdraft limit during the cancellation process. Your account should remain above this limit for 24 hours to ensure this change takes place for example: for an overdraft of €1,000 and you wish to reduce this to €500 your account balance must stay above - €500 to allow this change to take effect.


How do I get my account in credit?

If your account is not above your intended limit you can transfer funds into your account by doing any of the following:

Alternatively you can reduce your overdraft when you next receive regular payments, such as wages from employer or pension payments.

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