Why have I been charged €30 for my overdraft?

A €30 charge applies to any personal account which has an overdraft facility.

How often is it charged?

It is charged each year you have your overdraft facility. After you applied for the overdraft it was:

  • First charged when the overdraft first became available on your account e.g. charged on 12 February 2016
  • Then charged as an annual renewal (anniversary of above) e.g. charged on 12 February 2017, for the coming year 12 February 2017 to 11 February 2018 year
  • It can also be charged on renegotiation of the overdraft

I don’t use my overdraft, should I have been charged?

The €30 charge is for the overdraft facility being available on your account. It does not relate to your use of the overdraft. If you feel that you no longer use your overdraft you may cancel this.

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