Payees types

A payee is the recipient of a payment.

Remember, to make a payment or send money to someone, you must first add and authenticate them as a payee on the Bank of Ireland app or 365 online.

There are several payee types available on the Bank of Ireland App. The payee types available to you will depend on your selection of country and currency when adding a new payee.

Republic of Ireland payee types:

  • Bill payee - For example, BOI credit card, Electric Ireland, and Virgin etc.
  • SEPA payee
  • International Payee

Northern Ireland and Great Britain payee types:

  • Bill payee - For example, BOI credit card.
  • UK payee - Available to UK customers only.
  • SEPA payee
  • International payee

Please note

Processing times and fees and charges will apply depending upon the payee type.

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